8 Jul 2017
Does Regional Integration Still Hold Economic Meaning?
Session 23
Regional agreements have been the favoured vector of free trade since broader multilateral negotiations failed. However, it now appears that this path is being blocked off as well. At a time of great uncertainty, there has been a surge towards bilateralism, unilateralism or pure and simple protectionism.
This session will start with a survey of regional agreements, particularly the one that came first and inspired later agreements: the EU’s single market. Where is Europe now in terms of integrating goods, services, capital and people?
Next, we will look towards the future: first, to the immediate future, with a review of early negotiations for Brexit; then, to the longer term, with what could happen to regional integration within the European Union and between the EU and its partners. Does the EU now have a regional card to play concerning less developed and emerging economies, in a situation radically altered by the American election? Can the EU draw inspiration from other agreements such as the ASEAN? Who are the essential players and what are the key sectors and new fields to include in negotiations of future regional agreements? How can citizens’ voices be heard?