Un événement organisé par


  • Chief Executive Officer


Born in 1960, Thierry Blandinières is a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Nantes and holds an Executive MBA from the HEC. He began his career in the chemicals and cosmetics industry. He moved to the agribusiness industry when he joined L'Européenne de gastronomie (Labeyrie/Rougié) in 1991. He then went on to work for Madrange where he was appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer in 1998. In 2003, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Delpeyrat-Comtesse du Barry, a subsidiary of the Maïsadour Group (an agri-food cooperative in the Landes region), and contributed to its recovery. In 2008, he was appointed CEO of the Maïsadour Group and was elected Entrepreneur of the Year. He joined the InVivo group in October 2013 as CEO. He initiated the strategic project 2025 by InVivo when he joined the company, thus starting a profound transformation of the group. He subsequently embarked upon the co-creation of the 2030 by InVivo plan, which was adopted in 2019 with the ambition to support the agricultural transition and transform the French Farm. The COVID-19 health crisis requires it to put in place in the very short term actions essential to maintaining the food chain. At the same time, he is carrying out a strategic review to build the group's post-crisis project, acceleration of 2030 by InVivo. With this project, both corporate and social, InVivo aims to become the reference in the implementation of the agricultural transition for the benefit of the food transition. Thierry Blandinières has also actively worked to turn his group into a société à mission. This change in status was ratified by the Union InVivo Board of Directors in October 2020. By adopting this status at the group level and soon for all of its subsidiaries, InVivo is asserting its willingness to use its business model to serve its commitments. In 2021, at the height of the health crisis, he finalised the merger with the group Soufflet, a family-owned agri-food group. InVivo thus became Europe's leading agricultural cooperative, and one of the agricultural leaders in the field crops, seeds, international grain trading, malt, gardening and wine sectors. As Russia went to war in Ukraine in February 2022, Thierry Blandinières strove to make proposals on how Europe could produce more and do so sustainably, while also reducing its dependence on inputs, particularly fertiliser. At the same time, the group continues its development. In August 2022 the groupe organizes the IPO of its retail division: TERACT, to create the French leader positioned as a key player in responsible distribution and with a focus on retail activitie. InVivo becames the majority shareholder of TERACT and Thierry Blandinières is Chairman of its Board of Directors. And, in November 2023 Malteries Soufflet finalizes the acquisition of United Malt Group, thus becoming the world's leading malt producer. A project in line with the strategy defined by the group in 2021 with its strategic partners, KKR, Bpifrance and the Crédit Agricole Group: to make the "malt" activity one of the founding pillars of its business model.