Un événement organisé par


  • President
  • Association Française d'épargne et de retraite (AFER)


A renowned academic, Gérard Bekerman began his career as an assistant to Raymond Aron at the Collège de France. He continued his career at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, as director and then chairman of the Magistère Banque Finance and the Master (Dess) de Techniques Financières et Bancaires, and as visiting professor at UCLA. He is the author of "Que Sais-je sur L'EURO", and of numerous scientific publications on monetary policy, national accounts and asset management. Gérard Bekerman is also a graduate of the Ecole Normale de Musique and founder of the Concours international des grands amateurs de piano, a cultural event which he chairs and which brings together candidates from thirty countries around the world every year in Paris.