Un événement organisé par


  • President


Elected President of the CFE-CGC Confederation in June 2016 at the Lyon Congress and re-elected in 2019 at the Deauville Congress with 91.79% of the vote, François Hommeril, a geological engineer, has maintained close links with the organisation's activists and members during his term of office. For the record, and this explains his entire career, François Hommeril became a member of the CFE CGC (chemicals federation) in 1990. Born on 23 July 1961 in Normandy, François Hommeril worked for twenty years as a research and manufacturing engineer for the Péchiney industrial group (later Alcan, then Rio Tinto). This was a company where he gradually built up a solid trade union career, taking on various mandates - including those of trade union delegate, central trade union delegate, coordination manager, manager of joint negotiating bodies, works council member, etc. Maintaining contact with the field and committed to defending and improving working conditions, he became an industrial tribunal member from 2003 to 2017 and president of the CFE-CGC departmental union in Savoie and a member of the board of directors of APEC Rhône-Alpes. He joined the CFE-CGC confederation as National Delegate for Europe and International from 2006 to 2010. His involvement and commitment naturally led him to the position of National Secretary in charge of Lifelong Learning and Europe and International in 2010. From 2015 to 2016, François Hommeril devoted himself to his union, becoming President of the Dauphiné-Savoie chemicals union. In 2016, he was asked to stand for the CFE-CGC presidency. He was elected at the Lyon congress with a commitment to "restore meaning and perspectives" alongside Alain Giffard and Franck Zid. In the space of three busy years, he succeeded in bringing the organisation together and ensuring its essential unity. These three years have also seen an increase in the union's representativeness, its presence and its electoral results, despite the mistreatment of social dialogue at cross-industry level. The slogan of the Deauville Congress, "the future in our hands", illustrates the determination of François Hommeril and his executive to work ever harder for the strength, independence and freedom of tone and action of the CFE-CGC. The three years from October 2019 to March 2023 have seen a number of unprecedented events, including the pandemic and the need to adapt very quickly, the conflict in Ukraine and its dramatic consequences at every level, andthe very serious conflict over pensions. Led by its spokesperson, the CFE-CGC has assumed all its responsibilities in these various ordeals, whether it be finding solutions in the context of the confinements, urging the government to have the courage to adopt an autonomous energy policy, encouraging greater discussion of the sharing of value, or being an active and very determined member of the historic intersyndicale on pensions. As its leader Francois Hommeril repeats: "CFE-CGC is where it should be, where we are expected to be". Re-elected at the head of the organisation at the Tours Congress in March 2023, he will then begin his third and final term at the head of the organisation.