Un événement organisé par

Emmanuelle AURIOL

  • Member
  • Le Cercle des économistes


After a doctorate at the University of Toulouse I and post-doctoral studies at the University of Berkeley in California, Emmanuelle Auriol was appointed professor at the University of Aix-Marseille II, after a brief detour via Toulouse. She then joined the Toulouse School of Economics, where she has worked ever since. Her research covers various fields, including public economics, industrial economics and development economics, focusing on market imperfections, cognitive biases and discrimination. Her work, which integrates theoretical and empirical approaches, combines concepts from neo-classical economics and behavioral economics. Emmanuelle Auriol has received numerous awards. She is a bronze medalist of the CNRS and a member of the Institut Universitaire de France. She has also contributed to leading journals and taken part in research projects with institutions such as the Agence Française de Développement and the World Bank. As a member of the Cercle des Économistes, Emmanuelle Auriol not only conducts academic research, but also strives to make economics accessible to the general public by participating in conferences, television and radio programs, and writing articles. She is the author of two distinguished books, "Pour en finir avec les mafias - sexe, drogue et clandestins : et si on légalisait?" and "Regulating Public Services: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice".