Un événement organisé par


  • Ecrivain
  • Écrivain


Douglas Kennedy was born in New York in 1955 and lives between the USA and France. Author of three acclaimed travel books, including Combien? (2012), he made a name for himself with, among others, L'Homme qui voulait vivre sa vie (1998) - adapted for the screen by Éric Lartigau, starring Romain Duris and Marina Foïs -, La Poursuite du bonheur (2001), Les Charmes discrets de la vie conjugale (2005), La Femme du Ve (2007), Cinq jours (2013), La Symphonie du hasard (2017, 2018), Les hommes ont peur de la lumière (2022), Et c'est ainsi que nous vivrons (2023) as well as her collection of short stories Murmurer à l'oreille des femmes (2014) and her essay Toutes ces grandes questions sans réponse (2016). All were published by Belfond and are now available from Pocket.