Un événement organisé par


  • President
  • Level-up


Boris Ghirardi, nicknamed "Pied de Robot" is a Salomon/I-Run athlete and president of the Level Up association. Following a 2019 motorcycle accident costing him his leg, Boris turned adversity into an opportunity to redefine his limits. Passionate about sports, he refuses to let his disability hinder his life, focusing on achievable feats. After intensive rehabilitation, he tackled the Sierre-Zinal trail, a 31 km race with 2500 meters of elevation gain, in just two years. Beyond personal achievements, Boris founded the Level Up association to share his experience and inspire others with disabilities. Involved in designing the Hopper running blade with Salomon and Airbus, he enables many to rediscover the joy of running. His philosophy, captured in Mark Twain's quote, "They did not know it was impossible, so they did it," is embodied by Boris, transforming challenges into accomplishments, showcasing how resilience leads to extraordinary results.