Ideas & Debates
Articles, notes, forums... find here the contributions of the speakers at the Rencontres.
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Industries & Innovation | Innovation
The History of Computer Games and the Birth & Future of Esports
Kenji MATSUBARA - 24/06/2024
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Société | Les territoires et les entreprises
New measures to improve mental health care accessibility in Estonia
Signe RIISALO - 24/06/2024
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Politiques publiques | Les pays
Reducing Debt: Extent, Restrictions, and Consequences
- 24/06/2024
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Environnement | Les territoires et les entreprises
Making the Construction Industry Paris-Proof
- 24/06/2024
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Société | Connaissances
Healing Economics
Healing Economics - 04/06/2024
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Politiques publiques | Les pays
Reducing debt, whatever it takes ?
Jean Paul POLLIN - 04/06/2024
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