Un événement organisé par

Qiyuan XU

  • Deputy Director
  • Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


Qiyuan Xu is a senior fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He is the Deputy Director of the Institute of World Economy and Politics at CASS and the Deputy Director of the Research Center for International Finance(RCIF). He received his B.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Northeast Normal University in China and did postdoctoral research at the CASS before starting his career at the IWEP, CASS in 2011. His research areas include China's macro economy, China-US economic and trade issues, global supply chain and value chain issues, and development financing. He has published over 80 papers and authored 11 monographs. His notable works include "Reshaping the Global Industrial Chain: China's Choices," "Confronting the China-US Trade Conflict," and "China Financial Opening Report: Sensing the Temperature of Policies." He serves as an advisor of the Ministry of Finance's International Affairs Expert Studio, a special invited survey expert for the "China's Economists Confidence Survey" conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics, an invited researcher of the China Finance 40 Forum(CF40), and a member of the National Advanced Manufacturing Cluster 50 Forum, a member of the Academic Advisory Committee of the World Bank's flagship report World Development Report.