- Commissioner, Department of Agriculture, Water Resources and the Environment
- Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine
Kako NUBUKPO is Full Professor in Economics at the University of Lomé (Togo) and formerly Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Lomé. Since May 2021, He is the Togolese Commissioner in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), in charge of Agriculture, Water Resources and Environment.
He is a Former Minister of Long term Strategy and Public Policy Evaluation of Togo. He is also a member of the Global Economic Governance Programme of the University of Oxford (UK) and Princeton University (USA).
He is also a Senior Research Fellow at The Agricultural Research Centre of International Development (CIRAD), based in Paris (France), and a member of The French Development Agency (AFD) Scientific Council. He is a former Executive Director of CADERDT, a Togolese Think Tank founded by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) based in Lomé (Togo).
He has a PHD from the University of Lyon (France). He has worked at the Head Office of the West African States Central Bank (BCEAO) in Dakar, Senegal.
His publications cover a range of issues related to central banking and finance in West Africa, and the economics of cotton industry in that region, among others.
His last books are :
- Coriat B., Leyronas S, Nubukpo K. (Eds) (2023) « The Commons : Drivers of Change and Opportunities for Africa »», Africa Development Forum, The World Bank and The French Development Agency, August 2023, 278 P.
- Nubukpo K. (2022) « Une solution pour l’Afrique : du néoprotectionnisme aux biens communs », Editions Odile Jacob, Paris, October 2022, 300P.
- Nubukpo K. (2021) « Demain la souveraineté monétaire ? Du Franc CFA à l’Eco », Fondation Jean Jaurès-Editions de l’Aube, Paris, August 2021, 155P.
- Nubukpo K. (2019) « L’urgence africaine : changeons le modèle de croissance », Editions Odile Jacob, Paris, September 2019, 236P.
Last articles:
- Nubukpo K. (2023) “The Forgotten Farmer: Redefining Africa’s Future through Ecological Transition and Endogenous Solutions”, Development Cooperation Review, Vol.6 N°3, July-September 2023, PP.35-40.
- Massimo Amato et Kako Nubukpo (2020): «A New Currency for West African States: The Theoretical and Political Conditions of its feasibility», PSL Quarterly Review, 73 (292): 3-26.