- African Feminist & Journalist
- Ligue Ivoirienne des Droits des Femmes
Traoré Bintou Mariam is an Ivorian feminist 2.0 and journalist. She is a founding member of the Ivorian League for Women's Rights, a feminist organization that fights against sexist and sexual violence in Côte d'Ivoire. In 2020, she launched the hashtag #trueAfricanwoman which spread across the African continent. She has written for TV5 Monde on the condition of women and served as the communications officer for the Network of Young Feminists in West Africa. She was named by Quartz Africa among the 12 innovative women of the year 2021. She served as the communications officer at the NGO Equipop in the Dakar office on the Young Feminists of West Africa project and is currently serving as the communications officer at AWDF for the Francophone space.
July 6