- Aerospace engineer
Allan Petre is an aerospace engineer who, on January 18 at the age of 24, became the youngest Frenchman in history to join NASA! The second youngest of three brothers and a sister, Allan is obviously a source of pride for his parents and family, but his influence has also spread beyond the family circle! His career path has impressed the people of his home town, Villemomble (93), the Paris suburbs in general and, even more importantly, the whole of France. Congratulated by French President Emmanuel Macron and the entire French ministerial corps, the media never tire of telling her story...
“From 93 to NASA” is more than just a catchy title; it's the inspiring tale of a young man who refused to let society's expectations limit him. His achievement is a powerful reminder that the stars are never out of reach, no matter where you come from. What is usually just a metaphor for success, the stars here take on their full meaning. And yet, far from being a field of predilection, his father is a computer technician and his mother is a catering agent in a nursery school. Allan has therefore created his own network.
Ce poste à la NASA, il l’a obtenu à force de travail, de détermination et d’une bonne
dose de culot...Sa passion pour l'espace a éclos dès son plus jeune âge, lors d'une sortie scolaire en CE2, qui l'a profondément marqué. La simple vue de Jupiter à travers un télescope a déclenché en lui un émerveillement qui a éveillé sa curiosité et qui a créé son ambition. La tête pleine de questions, il dévore les livres et les documentaires sur l’espace, rejoint le club d’astronomie de son collège et décide qu’il veut en faire son métier. Son rêve ultime : intégrer la Nasa.Son parcours académique est loin d’être un long fleuve tranquille, contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser d’un jeune homme qui démarre sa carrière à la NASA. Allan a commencé ses études en DUT (Gestion des Entreprises et des Administrations), le jeune homme à été découragé par son corps professoral au lycée, le dissuadant de rejoindre le domaine de l’aérospatial jugé sélectif et difficile.
His strength of character and unwavering determination eventually led him to return to his passion and reorientate himself, so he went on to take another DUT in thermal and energy engineering. His schooling was marked by a demanding pace of life for over two years: hours of transport, waking up at 5 a.m. and returning home at 9.30 p.m., plus a student job at Hugo Boss on weekends to finance his studies, meals and driver's license... Allan knew how to give himself the means.
He eventually enrolled at ISAE-ENSMA, an aeronautical and space engineering school in Poitiers, and obtained a work-study placement with Ariane, the European space launcher group. At that precise moment, he had the feeling that he was beginning to touch his dream with his fingertips: “When I saw that I had both, I said to myself that it was possible”. Gathering his courage, he contacted a Nasa engineer whom he admired.