World demography, the clash of civilization?
From a population of 8 billion in 2023, the world’s population is set to continue growing over the coming years, reaching 9 to 10 billion in 2050, according to the United Nations. The challenges of this coming demographic shock are immense: food, education, economic development, climate and sustainability for our planet. In addition to these common challenges for the whole of humanity, there is a possible future increase in migratory flows between countries and continents, which some see as a future clash of civilizations. Indeed, the projected increase in the world’s population is far from homogeneous between countries. On the one hand, we anticipate a slight reduction in the population of the most developed countries, and on the other, a sharp increase in the population of the poorest countries. The population of sub-Saharan Africa alone could increase by 1 billion by 2050. Against this backdrop, the session will look at the economic, social and geopolitical impact of these demographic dynamics on both North and South.



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