The Statement of the Rencontres Économiques #AixEnSeine
The Cercle des économistes’ roadmap: 15 proposals in 8 axes to address the crisis
At the end of 3 days of intense debate, the Cercle des économistes unveils the proposals of the declaration of the Rencontres Économiques Aix en Seine. They express the point of view of more than 300 personalities from the academic, economic, political and social world of all sensitivities for an ambitious recovery plan.
Dealing with world disorders - We're going to make it!
Since their creation by the Cercle des économistes in 2001, the Rencontres Économiques d’Aix-en-Provence have become a major economic event in France and around the world.
This year, the exceptional context gives them a special dimension. For three days, more than 300 speakers, of different nationalities and sensibilities, will share their responses to three major challenges ahead of us:
Creating the conditions for a dynamic and inclusive society
Building a large, debated and shared plan
Renewing European and international relations
Everyone will be able to contribute to the debate, thanks to an unprecedented format: more than 50 online and live sessions, which will permit you to ask your questions to the speakers.
Overview of the replays
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Dealing with world disorders
In this book, the winners of the Best Young Economist Award give their perception, understanding, analysis and proposals of what the future of the world could or should be.
They answer the fundamental questions that economists and key leaders are asking themselves today.
The Authors :
Philippe Aghion, Yann Algan, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Antoine Bozio, André Cartapanis, Jean-Marie Chevalier, Hippolyte d’Albis, Esther Duflo, Emmanuel Farhi, Xavier Gabaix, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur, Elyès Jouini, Camille Landais, Augustin Landier, Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, David Martimort, Philippe Martin, Isabelle Mejean, Thomas Piketty, Thomas Philippon, Emmanuel Saez, Stefanie Stantcheva, David Thesmar, Étienne Wasmer, Gabriel Zucman
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