Common goods in the 21st century
There is an evolution in the nature and importance of the commons in the 21st century, which is full of shocks, uncertainties and even tragedies.
The term common goods is often used by economists, but in different ways. For us, we will define it as a resource with shared access necessary for the development of each and every one of us today and for future generations.
Let us think first of all of the quality of water and air, but today we must obviously add climate control, the fight against pandemics, the management of unused arable land and the development of education for all. Here we find François Perroux’s definition of progress, “feeding people, caring for people, educating people”.
Therefore, beyond the definition, we will consider, based on the current situation, the multilateral and national instruments, public and private funding, and the pooling of scientific progress that must be implemented to give real meaning to the positive evolution of the World.