Salvador ILLA
- Chef de l'opposition
- Parlement catalan
Born in La Roca del Vallès (Barcelona) in 1966.
Degree in Philosophy at University of Barcelona and master’s degree in Business Administration at IESE.
Salvador Illa was Mayor of La Roca del Vallès (1995-2005). In September 2005, he was appointed Director-General for Infrastructure Management of the Department of Justice of the Regional Government of Catalonia.
From 2010 to 2011 he was Director of the Economic Management Office of the City Council of Barcelona and Coordinator of the Local Socialist Group in the City Council from 2011 to 2016.
Secretary of Organization of the PSC (Catalan Socialist Party) since 2016, he’s been the Spain’s Health Minister from January 2020 until January 2021, managing the most difficult moments of the sanitary crisis caused by the COVID-19.
Winner in last Catalan Elections (14th February) he is now the Leader of the Opposition at the Catalan Parliament.