- Directeur Général
- Wind Denmark
Jan Serup Hylleberg has held the position as CEO for Wind Denmark since 2008 (2008-2019 Danish Wind Association)
As CEO, Jan Serup Hylleberg has been conducting the interest of the industry in matters such as energy means, test facilities, export promotion and competitiveness. Jan Serup Hylleberg has contributed to the establishment of State of Green, Viden om Vind APQP4Wind and Danish Wind Export Association.
Jan Serup Hylleberg obtained a Master degree in Sciene and Economics. Further he is a board member of WindEurope and State of Green. Finally he acts as observer in Energy Cluster Denmark and LORC
Education: Economist (Cand.polit.) and EMBA
- 2008- present: CEO, Wind Denmark
- 2008-2004: Deputy Manager, the Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry
- 2004-1999: Public Relations Manager, the Pharmaceutical Industry
- 1999-1995: Public Affairs Director, the Danish Dentist Association
- 1995-1991: Economist, the Confederation of Danish Employers
3 juillet