- Reporter
- La Repubblica
2015-present: staff special correspondent in Paris, France 2000-2015: staff international reporter for LA REPUBBLICA media group: including daily newspaper, radio and webtv “LA REPUBBLICA TV.” Special reports from USA, France, United Kingdom, Northern Europe. 1999: staff reporter for local edition in Florence of LA REPUBBLICA. 1997-1999: freelance journalist for LA REPUBBLICA, for RAI and EURONEWS television, and for RADIO FRANCE INTERNATIONALE 1996: Intern in Paris at LE MONDE, french newspaper and at AFP news agency AWARDS/PUBLICATIONS 2017: “Tour de France” (Ed. Clichy) Specials reports in France during presidential elections 2015: “Le Kiosquie de Charlie” (Ed. Equateurs) Memoir about french terrorist attacks 2012: “Falsi Amici” (Ed. Fandango) An essay about relation between France and Italy 2010: “Pensare l’impossibile” (Ed. Fandango) An essay on the women’s condition in Italy (Fandango Libri) 2007: “Non Calpestate le Farfalle”: book about Cambodia and Khmer Rouge regime published by Sperling&Kupfer. 2003: “Premio Ischia”: national award for best young journalist. 2002-2007: Director of non-fiction collection “Documenti” on essays by foreign journalists like Jon Lee Anderson, Robert Fisk, John Pilger, James Risen. 1999: “Premio Ilaria Alpi-Ordine Giornalisti”: national award for best young journalist
2 juillet