- Réseau de transport d'électricité (RTE)
Xavier Piechaczyk is 51 years old and has a been a member of the RTE Board of Directors since October 2015, in charge of operational functions relating to the management of electricity transmission grid assets, RTE customers and corporate relations with the territories.
He has spent his entire career in the public sector.
Xavier Piechaczyk was the advisor to the Prime Minister and then the President of the French Republic between 2012 and 2015, in charge of energy, transport, housing and the environment. Before that, in his capacity as Deputy Director of Transport Services, he was in charge of regulations, security, safety and social aspects of land transport (railway, urban transport, transport of goods and passengers by road and major seaports).
At several points in his career, he has also occupied functions of linear infrastructure owner in the Roads Department of the French Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure Department of the Ministry of Ecology.
Lead engineer in charge of bridges, water and forests, Xavier Piechaczyk is a graduate of the National College of State Public Works (ENTPE). He also holds a Master’s degree from the National School of Bridges and Roads (ENPC) and a PhD in Political Science.
His career path since 2000 has provided him with the opportunity of working closely with industrial partners in the energy, transport and construction sectors, but also with the French State, local authorities, stakeholders in environmental protection and trade unions of the relevant sectors.