- Système de recherche et d'information pour les pays en développement (RIS)
He has been working on issues related to development economics, involving development finance, SDGs and South-South Cooperation, apart from trade, investment and innovation linkages with special focus on WTO. He is author/editor of 22 books and has published several research articles in various prestigious journals. His experience/assignment includes working at the German Development Institute (2007), Institute of Advanced Studies Shimla (2005) University of Amsterdam for a Dutch Ministry of External Affairs assignment in 1996. He was Visiting Professor at JNU, New Delhi, Center for Science Policy Studies (CSPS) (2011-2012). He is also Member, Board of Governors, Reserve Bank of India.
He is on the Editorial Advisory Board of IDS Bulletin (UK) and of the Indian Foreign Affairs Journal for 2017-19 of Association of Indian Diplomats and is Editor-in-Chief of South Asia Economic Journal (SAEJ), Asian Biotechnology Development Review (ABDR) and Editor, Development Cooperation Review (DCR), Science Diplomacy Review and G-20 Digest.