- Professor, University of Lille
- Membre associée, Le Cercle des économistes
University professor in economics at the University of Lille, Nathalie Chusseau is also an associate researcher at the Demographic Transitions, Economic Transitions chair of the Risk Foundation in Paris. His research themes focus on the economics of inequalities, human capital, intergenerational social mobility, vocational training and international macroeconomics. She has published numerous articles on these themes. She is responsible for two international study programs in bachelor's and master's degrees. She is also an elected member of the Training and University Life Commission of the University of Lille and appointed member of the International Relations Commission. She has been the pedagogical manager of the continuing education cycle “High regional studies” at Sciences Po Lille since 2019.
His recent publications are entitled "Confinement and educational inequalities: inevitable? », Institut Sapiens, April 2020, https://www.institutsapiens.fr/confinement-et-inegalites-scolaires-une-fatalite-la-solidarite-intergenerationnelle-pour-reduire-laccroissement-des-inegalites-lie-au- confinement/ ; “Macroeconomic impacts of free access to continuing education”, Report for the Chair in Economic Transitions, Demographic Transitions, published by the Sapiens Institute in March 2019, https://www.institutsapiens.fr/impacts-macroeconomique-dun- free-access-to-continuing-education /; “Social mobility in Hauts-de-France”, Repères Hauts-de-France n ° 11, January 2019, https://lillethics.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Rep%C3%A8res-N % C2% B011-mobilit% C3% A9-sociale.pdf with Grégory Marlier and Valentine Schmitz.