Christian de BOISSIEU
- Vice-President
- Le Cercle des économistes
Current functions:
- Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges
- Vice-President of the Circle of Economists
- Member of the Academy of Technologies and of the Royal Academy of Belgium
Previous functions:
- Chairman of the Economic Analysis Council (CAE)
- Member of the Attali Commission
- Member of the Great Loan Commission
- Economic advisor of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- President of the Franco-British Council
- Member of the Board of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers
- Associate of the Faculties of Law and Economics
- Doctor of Economics
- Diploma from the Paris Institute of Political Studies
- DES in public law
Recent publications
- Financial Systems. Mutations, crises and regulation (under the supervision of Ch. De Boissieu), Economica ,, 4th edition 2013.
- From the subprime crisis to the global crisis, (with P. Artus, J.P. Betbèze, G. Capelle-Blancard), pocket book, La Documentation Française, 2010.
- Eurodefense For a relaunch of a defense Europe (in collaboration), Unicomm Edition, Paris 2009.
- Preventing and Managing the Instability of Agricultural Markets (in collaboration with J.P. Jouyet and S. Guillon), report for the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, September 2010.
- A World without Europe? (with Ph. Esper, P. Delvolvé and Ch. Jaffrelot), editions Fayard 2011.
- What if the sun rose again over Europe ?, (edited by Ch. De Boissieu and J.H. Lorenzi), Fayard, 2013.
- Towards Banking Union: a Report, Joint Research Center (European Commission) and College of Europe, December 2013.
- How can financial regulation get Europe out of the crisis ?, (edited by Ch.de Boissieu, F.G. Le Theule and P.Bailo), Presses de l'ENA, 2014.
- Economic governance in the European institutional context, in Annual Study of the Council of State, Documentation Française, 2015.
- "Towards the end of a certain monetary naivety in Europe", interview in International Questions, November-December 2015.
- Financing the real economy (edited by Ch. De Boissieu and D. Chesneau), Editions Eyrolles, 2016.
Main areas of expertise: Currency; Finance; Bank; Economic policy ; European integration
July 3
July 4