Should we adopt a universal income?
The universal income paid unconditionally to all brings together very different schools of thought, from socialists to libertarians. Between reducing inequalities and making a “social” contribution, this idea is as appealing as it is worrying: how would the labour supply react to its implementation? How to finance such a measure? If the small number of past experiments show an improvement in the well-being of beneficiaries and greater adherence to institutions, what about its impact on the overall level of activity? Does the effectiveness of the measure vary according to the level of development of the country? So far, experiments have only been carried out on a small scale, struggling to gather the necessary support for the implementation of the measure at the country level. The current crisis is putting universal income back into the public debate. Will the emergency aid distributed by governments give universal income enough credibility to be implemented?

Force Ouvrière


Membre associée, Le Cercle des économistes