Reindustrialising France
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, calls to relocate and reindustrialise France have multiplied. Faced with the closure of borders, the brutal and drastic reduction in world trade and international exchanges, shortages of raw materials or imported products, the weakness and decline of the industrial sector in France are increasingly being pointed out. The feeling of fatalism in the face of an inexorable dynamic of deindustrialisation seems to be giving way to a new hope for the reindustrialisation of our country. In order to go beyond the announcement effect, this will to promote a new French industrial policy must be the bearer of concrete and structural alternatives to revitalise the territories, favour employment and investment in future projects. However, beyond the mere political, economic or territorial will, how can this reindustrialisation plan be implemented? Should we reindustrialise, relocate or locate new industries to revive the economy? Which sectors should be targeted? Which territories? Which actors? What can we expect from political governance to relaunch reindustrialisation?