Un événement du Cercle des économistes
Espace Presse

Patricia CRIFO

  • Professor
  • Ecole Polytechnique


Patricia Crifo is Professor of Economics at Ecole Polytechnique and researcher at CREST. She is also research fellow of the Institut des Politiques Publiques and external member of CIRANO (Montréal).
At Ecole Polytechnique She is the academic director of the MscT Smart cities and urban policy, co-responsible of the center for Sustainable Finance and Responsible Investment (FDIR) and deputy director of the interdisciplinary intitiative Energy4climate.
She is member of the Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR)’s Supervisory College and Vice president of its Climate and Sustainable Finance Commission; of the Economic Council for Sustainable Development, the Greenfin and SRI label  Committees, and of the French Social investment forum/PRI Jury. She is also member of the French Public Ethics Observatory.
Patricia started her career as CNRS researcher in 2005, and became University Professor in 2006 through a French National Contest in Economics (Premier concours national d'agregation). She was Professor at the University of Haute Alsace between 2006 and 2009 and at the University Paris Nanterre between 2009 and 2019.  
Former student of Ecole Normale Superieure Paris Saclay (Cachan), She graduated from a Master in Economics at University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and Ecole Centrale Paris in 1997 and obtained her PhD in Economics in 2001 at University of Lyon. She was nominated Best Young Economist by Le Monde/Cercle des économistes in 2010 and received the title of Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite in 2014, and best young researcher in 2002 (Lyon).

Publications between 2017 and 2020:


Books and reports 

Crifo P., Rebérioux A. 2019. La participation des salariés: du partage d’information à la codétermination. Presses de SciencesPo dans la collection « sécuriser l’emploi ».

Casamatta C., Crifo P. 2019. Finance Verte: Utopie ou réalité? In Quelle Finance en 2030 ? 40 points de vue d’experts. PH. Cassou ed. Centre des professions financières. 334p.

Arjaliès DL., Chollet P., Crifo P., Mottis N. 2018. Mesure d’impact et label ISR : analyse et recommandations. Rapport du groupe de travail Impact pour le comité du label ISR. 137p.

Benhamou S., Diaye MA., Crifo P. 2016. RSE et compétitivité. Evaluation et approche stratégique. Etude France Stratégie. 150 pages.



Cavaco S., Crifo P. Guidoux A; 2020. Corporate social responsibility and corporate governance: The role of executive compensation programs. Industrial Relations.

Crifo P.,Durand R. , Gond, J-P. 2019. Encouraging Investors to Enable Corporate Sustainability Transitions: The Case of Responsible Investment in France. Organization & Environment. 32(2), 125-144.

Capelle-Blancard G., Crifo P., Diaye MA., Oueghlissi R., Scholtens B. 2019. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and sovereign bond spreads: an empirical analysis of OECD countries. Journal of Banking and Finance. 98, 156-169.

Louche C;, Busch T., Crifo P., Markus A. 2019. Financial Markets and the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy: Challenging the Dominant Logics. Organization & Environment. 32(1), 3–17.

Crifo P. , Escrig-Olmedo E., Mottis N. 2018. Corporate Governance as a Key Driver of Corporate Sustainability in France: The Role of Board Members and Investor Relations. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(4), 1127-1146.

Crifo,P., Rebérioux, A. 2018. Le gouvernement d’entreprise - nouveaux enjeux : introduction. Revue d’économie financière. 130, 9-18.

Lyon T, Delmas M, Maxwell J, Bansal T, Chiroleu-Assouline M, Crifo P, Durand R , Gond JP, King A, Lenox M, Toeffel M, Vogel D, Wijen F. 2018. CSR Needs CPR: Corporate Sustainability and Politics. California Management Review, 60(4), 5-24. 2019 Best Article Award from California Management Review

Crifo P., Diaye MA., Oueghlissi R. 2017.Measuring the effect of government ESG performance on sovereign borrowing cost. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 66, 13-20.

Cavaco S., Crifo P., Réberioux A., Roudaut G. 2017. Independent directors: less informed, but better selected than affiliated members ? Journal of Corporate Finance. 43, 106–121