Youth Statement
Throughout the month of June, representatives of 12 organisations, meeting in three thematic working groups (Work & Training, Culture & Daily Life, Engagement & Democracy), formulated 12 proposals for the future of youth.
“Following the Citizen’s Climate Convention, let’s continue on this beautiful democratic momentum. All of us here present, politicians, business leaders, representatives of youth associations, leaders of institutions, are taking the future of youth into our own hands. Let us not forget them! Let us not make them the sacrificial ones, when we already know that they will be the most affected by the crisis we are going through. Let us act for our young people in the face of the disruptions that lie ahead, let us make a pious wish for a citizens’ youth convention!”
The organizations that joined the webinars: Agence du Service civique, Article 1, FAGE, Graine d’Orateur, La Parole aux 18-28, InPACT, Mozaïk RH, Nos Quartiers ont du Talent, Apprentis d’Auteuil, Prométhée Education, UNEF, UNIJ