6 Jul 2019
Migrations: How can we Address the Challenge of Integration?
Debate 10
One of the most symbolic displays of defiance in a society lies in the fear and rejection of foreign persons. Immigration has never been so central to the political debate and, in some countries, populations have brought to power leaders who develop violent discourses against migrations. International coordination on migratory politics have proved to be particularly difficult to implement. This debate will analyze the effects of migratory flows in rich countries and will reflect on the economic and social integration of migrants and the following generations. It will also touch upon questions asking what is politically desirable and feasible judging from various experiences. The persistent violence of discourses and the polarization of our points of view perhaps reveal that we still do not know how to “talk” about immigration. This debate will also aim at finding a common ground for discussion between different points of view.
Debate 10: Migrations, How can we Address the Challenge of Integration?
Trust is first and foremost a perception of the good that other can bring to us. In this regard, one of the most symbolic instances of defiance in a society lies in the fear and rejection of foreigners.