6 Jul 2019
Will the Factory of Tomorrow Still Need Labour?
Session 24
The introduction of new digital tools is fuelling our thinking about the future of the industry. Paradoxically, while the importance of human capital is at the heart of all discourse and the skills of skilled workers are more necessary than ever, automation and digitization seem to reduce our labour requirements. How can we face this paradox? Is the labour factor destined to disappear? Should we rejoice ourselves?
In addition, the transition to a more capital-intensive industry brings with it the promise of productivity gains. For some, it even announces a revitalization of the sector through the redefinition of the role of the factory, passed from production place to creation place by the increase in power of innovations such as 3D printing, artificial intelligence or production customization. Will the factory of the future produce more? Better? Will the revival of French and more broadly European industry be driven by smart factories? Are the strategic industrial sectors (defence, naval, steel, etc.) the only ones able to maintain themselves?
Session 24: Will the Factory of Tomorrow Still Need Labour?
Over a decade, the global economy has been affected by several technological revolutions. Today, new digital tools are in the process of profoundly transforming the industry.