Victoire AUBRY
Head of Finance, Legal Affairs and IT. - ICADE

In September 2017, Victoire Aubry and her team issued Icade’s inaugural green bond for € 600 million, with an annual coupon of 1 .50%. A first green bond for a proactive CSR commitment, confirmed with the signature in December 2017 of the Green Bond Pledge, at the Climate Finance Day in Paris, alongside eight of the main industrial issuers of green bonds.
In doing so, Icade agrees to further develop the green bond market as part of its strategy and financing policy.
As head of Finance, Legal Affairs and IT, Victoire leaded the cross-functional working and the involvement of several professional specialisations witch played a crucial role in this issue’s success.
After 10 years in the Investment Bank Ixis, Victoire Aubry joined in 2000 the Finance and Strategy Department for the Caisse des Dépôts group. In September 2005, she became Head of the Performance Steering management team for CNP Assurances and in 2012, became a member of the Executive Committee in charge of Finance, Risk, IT systems, Purchases and Legal at Compagnie des Alpes. Victoire Aubry joined Icade on 1st September 2015 in the capacity of a member of the executive committee, head of Finance, Legal Affairs and IT. In October 2016, Victoire Aubry was honoured by being appointed a Knight in the National Order of Merit.