Philippe AGHION
Membre - Cercle des économistes

Fonctions actuelles
- Professeur au Collège de France, sur la Chaire intitulee “Institutions, Innovation et Croissance”
- Professeur invité à la London School of Economics
- Professeur invité à l’Institute of International Economic Studies, Stockholm University
- Editeur, Review of Economics and Statistics
- Fellow à la American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Fellow à la Société d’Ecomométrie
Fonctions antérieures
- Robert C. Waggoner Professor of Economics, Harvard University Professor of Economics, Harvard University
- Professor of Economics, University College London (UCL)
- Official Fellow, Nuffield College,
- Member of the Executive and Supervisory committee of CERGE (Prague)
- Programme Director of CEPR in Industrial Organization
- D. Harvard University (Economics)
- Doctorat de 3ème cycle d’Economie Mathématique, Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies d’Economie Mathématique, Université de Paris I
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (Section Mathématiques)
Dernières publications
- « Changer de modèle » from Aghion P, Cette G with Cohen E, Odile Jacob, 2014
- « Handbooks of Economic Growth » from Aghion P and Durlauf S, North-Holland: Elsevier, 2014
- « Repenser l’Etat » from Aghion P and Roulet A, Editions Seuil, 2011
- « The Economics of Growth » from Aghion P and Howitt P, MIT Press, 2009
- « Handbook of Economic Growth » from Aghion P and Durlauf S, North-Holland: Elsevier, 2005
- Aghion, P, Dechezlepretre, A, Hemous, D, Martin, R, and J. Van Reenen (2014): Carbon Taxes, Path Dependency and Directed Technical Change : Evidence from the Auto Industry, Journal of Political Economy 2016
- Industrial Policy and Competition, from Aghion P, Dewatripont M, Du L, Harrison A, and Legros P, American Economic Journal, 2015
- Innovation and Institutional Ownership, from Aghion P, Van Reenen J, et Zingales L, American Economic Review 2013
- The Environment and Directed Technical Change, from Acemoglu D, Aghion P, Bursztyn L, et Hemous D, American Economic Review 2012
- Subgame Perfect Implementation with Unverifiable Information, from Aghion P, Fudenberg D, Holden R, Kunimoto T, and Tercieux O, Quarterly Journal of Economics 2012
Principaux domaines d’expertise :
Innovation ; Croissance ; Institutions; Organisation; Contrats.