
Jean-Hervé LORENZI

Président - Cercle des économistes

Present positions:

  • President of the Cercle des économistes
  • Vice Chairman of UBS Holding France
  • Holds the Research Chair “Demographic Transition, Economic Transition” of Risk Foundation;
  • President of the Competitiveness Cluster “Finance and Innovation”;
  • Member of the Executive Board of Edmond de Rothschild France;
  • Independent Director of the Executive Boards of Euler Hermès and BNP Paribas Cardif;
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Risque”;
  • Member of the Executive Board of the Louis Bachelier Institute, of Risk Foundation of the Médéric Alzheimer Foundation, of the European Audiovisual and the Telecom Institute and of the Association “Anvie”.

Positions’ held:

  • Member of the Executive Board of Edmond de Rothschild France
  • Member of the French Economic Analysis Council , which advises the French Prime Minister (1997-2012).
  • Professor of Economics at the University Paris Dauphine (1992-2012);
  • Managing Director of Gras Savoye (1994-2000)
  • Chief Executive of the French Atomic Energy Center (1992-1994)
  • Economic Adviser to the French Prime Minister Edith Cresson (1991-1992);
  • Technical Adviser to the French Ministry of the Industry (1984-1985);
  • Assistant Director of the Electronics and Informatics Industries Direction of the French Industry Minister (1982-1984);


  • Doctorate in Economics ;
  • Professor in Law and Economics.

Main publications:

  • L’avenir de notre liberté: Faut-il démanteler Google… Et quelques autres?, with M. BERREBI, Eyrolles 2017
  • France, le désarroi d’une jeunesse, with HUAN X. and VILLEMEUR A., Eyrolles, 2016 ;
  • Un monde de violences, l’économie mondiale 2015-2030, with BERREBI M., Eyrolles, 2014 ;
  • La France face au vieillissement, le grand défi, with XUAN H., Descartes & Cie, 2013 ;
  • Et si le soleil se levait à nouveau sur l’Europe, with PASTRE O., Fayard, 2013 ;
  • Rajeunissement et vieillissement de la France, with PELLETAN J. and VILLEMEUR A., Descartes & Cie, 2012 ;
  • Droite contre gauche, with PASTRE O., Fayard, 2012.
  • Le fabuleux destin d’une puissance intermédiaire, Grasset, 2011 ;
  • Le choc des populations : guerre ou paix, with DOCKES P., Fayard, 2010 ;
  • L’innovation au cœur de la nouvelle croissance, with VILLEMEUR A., Economica, 2009 ;
  • Fin du monde ou sortie de crise, with DOCKES P., Editions Perrin, 2009

French Economic Analysis Council :

  • Investissements et investisseurs de long terme, with GLACHANT J., QUINET A. and TRAINAR P., report n°91, 2010 ;
  • Private Equity et capitalisme français, with GLACHANT J. and TRAINAR P., report n°75, 2008 ;
  • Economie politique de la LOLF, with ARKWRIGHT E., DE BOISSIEU C. and SAMSON J., report n°65, 2007 ;
  • Désindustrialisation, délocalisations, with FONTAGNE L., report n°55, 2005.

Economic field of expertise:

Technology ; innovation ; Economic Wealth ; industrial economy ; insurance ; Financing the Economy

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