Member - Cercle des économistes

Present Positions
- Lead Economist, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France
- Professor, Paris School of Economics
Positions’ Held
- Deputy-director, Paris Jourdan Sciences Economiques, a research unit at the Paris School of Economics
- Director, LEA, a research unit at INRA
- Co-director of the International trade and development program at Cepremap, an agency at the interface between academia and ministries
- Administrator at the OCDE Development Centre, in charge of the Euro-Med partnership agreements
- Consultant for Agence Française de Développement, the OECD Development Centre, the World Bank
- PhD in Economics, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
- Institut d’ Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po), Paris
- Ecole Normale Supérieure Ulm-Sèvres
Last publications
- Does Food Aid Disrupt Local Food Market? Evidence from Rural Ethiopia, World Development 76: 114-131, 2015 (with N. Ferrière).
- Do Food Scares explain Supplier Concentration ? Analysis of EU Agrofood imports, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 40 (5) : 873 – 890 , 2013 (with M. Jaud and O. Cadot)
- Sanitary risk and Concentration in EU Food imports , 2012, chap 6 in O. Cadot and M. Malouche (eds), Non-tariff Measures: a Fresh Look at Trade Policy’s New Frontier, the World Bank (with M. Jaud and O. Cadot)
- Mobilité du patrimoine, Economie et Statistiques, n°417-418, juin, 173-189, 2009 (with J. Bourdieu et G. Postel-Vinay)
- Aid and Trade, Oxford Economic Policy Review, 23 : 481-507, with T. Verdier
Economic field of expertise
Development ; international trade – Income and wealth distribution