7 Jul 2018
Are Our Skills Time-Limited ?
Session 16
While new technologies constantly broaden the spectrum of skills to be acquired, the question of the adequacy of skills has become critical. For example, the idea that entry into professional life marks the end of training is distinctly out-dated. We now talk of lifelong training, i.e. a continuum between initial training and circumstances where new skills are acquired. What professional training model should be favoured? Should companies play a more important role in defining priorities for skills development? What place should be given to skills across the board? Is there still a place for culture?
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The incessant development of technologies is revolutionising work environments and driving individuals to develop new competences. Companies, especially, need not only in-depth knowledge of digital tools, but also the ability to adapt to every new factor. So how can we choose between ultra-specialised skills and general aptitudes? In the end, must we learn to constantly relearn? Has the value of knowledge changed? Can we talk of a hierarchy between different skills? Should we be moving towards more hybridised profiles?